Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Greetings Tauriko School Community

An industrious fortnight has passed since the launch of our revamped newsletter. Thank you for the positive feedback about the new format, it’s mobile-friendly viewing is certainly a hit!

Congratulations to Mackenzie Coster, Jasmine de Buisson and Jorja Clark for being the first students to write articles for this newsletter, the three of you can be very proud of this achievement.
Learners across the school have been busy over the last few weeks, with all things mathematical being in the limelight in preparation for the Mathathon fundraiser, CCC pumping each Friday afternoon, Literacy learning in the form of Nursery Rhymes, procedural writing and novel studies, rigorous sports sessions as our Year 5 and 6 students get ready to compete in the West Cluster Winter Sports days, and boot camps and physical education skills for our Tall Poppies as they work towards Sports Camp in Week 10.

A special thanks to Nika Rikiriki for his support and expertise on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons for all things sporty!

Teaching staff have been hard at work too. We now have our staff meetings in the refurbished library which has proved to be a very conducive environment for learning with the different furniture to suit individuals and the setting appealing to everyone. 

A key focus for staff this term is to review and redefine our Tauriko Inquiry journey. This week’s meeting evoked much hearty discussion as we began to unpack and discuss key principles and progressions around ‘learning to learn’, 21st Century skill sets and learning tools – all of which will in turn lead to consistency, shared understandings and quality embedded practice across the school. What an incredibly talented, passionate group of teachers, it is an absolute privilege working alongside them each day.

Valuable questions to ask your children regularly are our 4 key learning questions:
· What are you learning?

· Why do you think you are learning this?
· How will you know you have learnt it?
· What are your next steps for learning?

These 4 questions are consistent across our school as we model and encourage all students from Years 1-8 to articulate their learning.

Thanks to our incredible PTA for all their hard work and effort with our recent Mathathon. What an excellent outcome with a total of $8832.00 raised for our tailored outdoor Maths Zone.  A special thank you to Jolene and Leah for their extraordinary effort thus ensuring the Mathathon was a success.

Congratulations to all the students who worked so tirelessly to learn their Mathathon lists and collect sponsorship as part of the challenge,  and a huge thanks also to families and whanau for their support.

Lisa Rose

Acting Principal

To read our full newsletter please click here:  Newsletter No 8 


  1. I love our new library it's so cool and so fun and flash it's the best library I've ever seen before it was good but now it's even better and amazingly awesome and amazing I don't why they didn't do it straight away.

  2. I love our new library it's so amazing how did the boy builders make it the books are so flash that we all take good care of them that's why our library and our teachers are so cool.

  3. Our new library is the best library ever.

  4. Our library is the best.
